WATCH: Gemma Collins faces loud boos with a smile amid TV show rumours

The star left the house to boos.

Published 3rd Feb 2016

Gemma Collins has contributed to this year’s Celebrity Big Brother with controversy during her stint in the house, but after her exit in last night’s eviction it has emerged she could be the most unpopular contestant ever to appear on the show.

After being slammed for her tantrums and moaning the famous ‘GC’ narrowly missed out on a place in Friday’s final, but fans of the show made their feelings clear towards the TOWIE star as she exited the house last night.

A sea of loud boos could be heard as she walked down the famous stairs and it all got worse for Gemma during her interview with show host Emma Willis. At one point the audience booed so loud viewers struggled to hear the interview.

Watch the crowd reaction here:

However, Gemma didn’t let it get to her telling Emma “I take it as a compliment. I suppose there is always going to be a pantomime villain. So this doesn’t bother me one bit. I’ve got my best mate here and I’ve had an amazing time”.

She may be unpopular with the public but already it has been rumoured the Essex girl is set to land her own TV show as Channel 5 bosses want to sign her up in a deal reported to be worth £1 million.

Love her or loathe her, she’s certainly a character!