WATCH: 'Breaking Bad' fan gets hilariously owned by 'Your mum' joke from Bryan Cranston

A 'Breaking Bad' fan from Albuquerque got more than he bargained for when he asked Bryan Cranston a question at Comic-Con

Published 11th Jul 2015

Bryan Cranston of 'Breaking Bad' decided to flip an innocent question from a fan at Comic-Con about what he liked to do in Alburquerque and turn it into this hillarious 'Your mum' joke.

The hit TV series, that ran for five series, was filmed and set in Alburquerque, New Mexico, leading one fan to ask Cranston what he liked doing when he was in the city and his response was hilarious. Watch the full video above.

The crowd went wild as Cranston answered "Well I liked to visit your mother every once in a while" followed by an infamous mic drop.

The actor was at Comic-Con to promote his new show SuperMansion.