Uggie the dog, star of Oscar winning movie The Artist, dies aged 13

He had been battling prostrate cancer

Published 12th Aug 2015

The incredibly talented canine star of multi-Oscar-winning movie The Artist, Uggie the dog, has sadly died at the age of 13.

The Jack Russell Terrier, who also starred alongside Reese Witherspoon, Christoph Waltz and Robert Pattinson in 2011’s Water for Elephants, was put down by vets yesterday (11th August) after a lengthy battle with prostrate cancer.

Born in 2002, Uggie was rejected by his first two owners and was eventually saved from going to the dog pound by acclaimed by animal trainer Omar Von Muller.


He had minor roles in movies What’s Up Scarlett (2005), Wassup Rockers (2005) and Mr Fix It (2006) but his first named appearance came in Water For Elephants.

He biggest break, however, came as Jack in romantic film The Artist which was filmed in the style of the black-and-white silent films of the 1920s.

The Artist won five Oscars in 2012 but Uggie himself was also honoured with a Palm Dog Award at the Cannes Film Festival.

In June 2012 he became the first dog to have his paw prints immortalised in cement outside the world-famous Chinese Grauman Theatre in Hollywood.

Uggie retired from the film industry aged 10 in 2012 and released his memoir Uggie, My Story in October of that year.

RIP Uggie.
