Twitter releases One Direction emojis

It's as they release their new album

Published 13th Nov 2015

Twitter have released One Direction emojis as part of a global competition.

It's all in a bid to find which countries, out of 140, have the most One Direction fans.

Fans have already sent 700 million tweets about the band and the 10 winning countries will get their own 1D emoji!

See all the icons in the video below:

To get the pictures use the hashtags #1D, #MadeinTheAM, #1DLouis, #1DHarry, #1DNiall, #1DLiam, and the 1D emojis will automatically appear after you've posted.

It coincides with the release of One Direction's new album 'Made in the AM' and the boys have tweeted to say they're excited for their fans to hear it.

Their new single 'Perfect' from the album is out now.