Tears when a bride's dad asks her stepdad to join them down the aisle

None of the guests were expecting to see what happened.

Published 30th Sep 2015

When photographer Delia Blackburn in Ohio turned up to take photos of couple's wedding she had no idea that the events she would see would make the headlines.

As the bride, Brittany and her father Todd Bachman were beginning to walk down the aisle Todd turned and walked towards Brittany's stepdad Todd Cendrosky.

“Everyone was a little bit concerned because there had been tension,” Delia told BuzzFeed News, but the guests were suprised to see Todd Bachman take Brittany's stepdad by the hand.

"I think he said something along the lines of ‘You helped raise her,'" said Delia.

The three of them continued to walk down the aisle together as the most of the guests watched with tears of happiness along with the bride.

On her Facebook page Delia said "Congratulations Todd Bachman on showing your kids what true love really is...love for your children" her Facebook post has now been liked over 1.2 million times and attracted 55,107 comments and 553,796 shares.

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Check out Delia D Blackburn Photography on Facebook to see other photos from the wedding or her website www.deliasphotos.com

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