Taylor Swift saves the day

Pop songstress Taylor Swift has come to the rescue of an Australian theatre production.

Published 6th Aug 2015

Pop songstress Taylor Swift has come to the rescue of an Australian theatre production.

Sydney’s Belvoir theatre company were due to perform their new show 'Seventeen' which featured Taylor's 'Shake It Off' but the permissions required for them to use the song were denied just days before the show was due to open.

The hit song was a pivotal part of the performance which features six 70-year-old Australian acting legends playing 17-year-old on their last day of school.

The play is described on the theatre's website as "funny, immature, wise and a little bit but quite beautifully sad, Seventeen is about the size of life".

Desperate to get the permissions they required, fans of the theatre company and musicians took to Twitter to ask the singer directly if she could grant permission.

It wasn't long before #greygrey4taytay was trending in Australia and lo and behold, the 'Style' singer responded in a tweet saying,

"Permission granted, @BelvoirSt. Good luck with your opening night :)"

The theatre company replied "OMG THANK YOU!" followed by a tweet from Alex Lee, a BuzzFeed reporter posting a video of the cast dancing to 'Shake It Off'.

Photo credit: PA Photos