Strictly judge Craig Revel Horwood slams 'fix' claims

'I am so bored of the Jordans now'

Published 2nd Dec 2015

Judge Craig Revel Horwood is not happy about the claims that the show is fixed, apparently going so far to say he'd quit if the allegations were true.

He told a magazine “To be honest, I am so bored of the Jordans now. Ola claimed in an interview that the show is fixed and called me pathetic,”

“Firstly, Strictly is in no way fixed. We’re all individuals on the judging panel, and there’s no way I could be told what to say. I would leave the programme if that were the case.”

It's after the professional dancer implied the judges manipulated the leaderboards saying "Some of the marking is way off.

"All the pros talk about the marking. We ask each other 'What is that all about? Why are they trying to over-mark that person?'" .

Ola quit the show in November after ten years.