Stephen Fry: "I'm going to Paris to show solidarity after Charlie Hebdo attack"

He speaks to us at BAFTAs nominations launch

Published 9th Jan 2015

Stephen Fry says he’s going to Paris this weekend as a mark of solidarity for the 12 victims of the Charlie Hebdo attack.

A staunch defender of the freedom of speech, the British actor has been sharing Charlie Hebdo cartoons on Twitter over recent days as an act of defiance against the terrorists.

Speaking to us at the BAFTA nominations launch in London this morning, Fry said he’s travelling to Paris this weekend to show his support for both the victims and free speech.

“The death of 12 people for holding a pencil, for making fun is just appalling,” Fry said. “I’m going to Paris this weekend as an… act of solidarity. If there’s a march I’ll join it. I don’t know what else to do but I do feel very strongly about it.”

Ask about the importance of society defending free speech, Fry said that everyone must make their stand.

“If you try to stifle free speech you’ve failed,” he added. “You must say that, you have to. It’s too important to say nothing about it. It doesn’t matter if what one says seems liberal and do goody, I don’t care you’ve got to say something, you’ve got to stand.”

As well as sharing cartoons from the French satirical magazine, Fry has been calling upon the press to do the same.

He tweeted yesterday: “Publish a Charlie Hebdo cartoon: show them the pen will still flourish when their guns have rusted.”

You can see all the nominations for the 2015 BAFTAs here.