***SPOILER ALERT*** A massive spoiler is revealed about tonight's Emmerdale

Are you ready to read it?

Published 20th Oct 2016

Emmerdale's official Twitter account tweeted a video earlier which reveals a massive spoiler about tonight's programme.

Tonight's episode will include what has been dubbed the 'biggest stunt in a British soap' by some publications and involves a number of characters. Clues as to which characters have been revealed in this video.

The video, which is less than a minute long features series producer Iain Macleod talking about a particular incident that can be seen (and heard) behind him.

As he explains in the video the massive accident is a result of two characters in the show whose marriage is on the rocks. They are having a big argument which results in terrible consequences with 10 people nearly losing their lives. But which 10?!

Iain finishes the short video saying, "I'll leave you to figure out which couple it is."

The reaction to this video on Twitter has been mixed with a lot of people trying to comprehend the enormity of the crash affecting 10 people, whilst others have taken a guess at who is involved.

> @emmerdale Emma & James will be buried together

Emmerdale is on ITV at 7pm and 8pm tonight.