Sir Ian McKellen gets a blue plaque for eating a potato

Nom nom nom 🥔

Sir Ian McKellen
Published 10th Mar 2017
Last updated 13th Mar 2017

Who knew that eating a potato could be so great?

When Sir Ian McKellen AKA Gandalf in the Lord of the Rings films visits your university it's a special occasion worth marking right?

ESPECIALLY if he's eating a potato!

Well, that's exactly what Liverpool University thought as the award winning actor was visiting the university to talk about LGBT issues.

Feeling a bit peckish the actor decided to have a bite to eat at the Liverpool Guild of Students' bar (known as the Sphinx) and there the excitement really began.

As he sat down to eat a jacket potato, he caused quite a stir with students tweeting about it.

Including the Guild president Sean Turner who tweeted,

'So @IanMcKellen is sat in The Sphinx @LiverpoolGuild having a jacket potato. Just saying.'

The excitement was so much that Liverpool University decided to mark the occasion with a blue plaque, usually reserved for the outside of buildings with significant residents, it says,

'Sir Ian McKellen Sat here on table five and enjoyed a jacket potato and a latte' dated 3rd March 2017.

The talk was arranged at Liverpool University by British Vets LGBT+ for both vets and non-vets alike and saw the highly acclaimed actor talk about his experiences and the joy of coming out, as reported by The Tab.

So there you have it, if the jacket potatoes at the Sphinx are good enough for a wizard they're good enough for us!