Simon Cowell opens up about alleged affair

Adds he's 'not proud of the circumstances'

Published 16th Nov 2015

Simon Cowell admitted he’s ‘not proud’ of an alleged affair that led to the birth of his son.

Speaking to a national magazine he said he can’t hold his head up about it after apparently seeing his current partner Lauren Silverman when she was married to Cowell’s best friend Andrew.

But when he found out Lauren was pregnant he knew he was going to stick around.

Although admitting they didn’t plan for the pregnancy, he says something ‘kicked in’ when he went to the first scan making him feel ‘unbelievably protective’ of both of them.

He recalled affectionately calling son Eric ‘tad’ in the womb as he apparently looked like a tadpole.

He added he ‘adores’ his son but added when it comes to money, Eric’s not going to be handed it on a plate.

The X Factor judge added that he finds it ‘disgusting’ that it’s passed down generations and that he had to work his way up without anyone giving him money.

Simon's first son Eric was born in February 2014.