Simon Cowell To Buy Manchester Dogs' Home Heroes A Holiday

He makes the promise on Twitter

Published 15th Sep 2014

Simon Cowell has vowed to buy the two men who risked their lives to save animals in the Manchester Dogs’ Home fire an all-inclusive holiday.

Jason Dyer, 41, and his 25-year-old nephew Dean Rostock were proclaimed as heroes after they jumped over a fence into the dogs home last Thursday night and kicked down doors to kennels to free the trapped animals.

More than 60 dogs were killed in the suspected arson attack last Thursday – and the toll would have been much higher without the efforts of rescuers.

Hearing about the tragedy for the first time on Saturday, dog lover Simon tweeted: “Just read about @manchdogs. Unbelievable! Donation on its way.”

When one Twitter user suggested buying Jason and Dean an all inclusive holiday, Simon responded: “Yes I Will”


Well over £1million has been donated to Manchester Dogs’ Home in the past five days with celebrities including Ricky Gervais and Piers Morgan highlighting the plight of the animals.

A 15-year-old boy was arrested on suspicion of arson.