Serena Williams channels inner superhero to chase 'phone thief'

She thanks her 'superhero senses'

Published 5th Nov 2015

American tennis player Serena Williams has channeled her inner ‘superhero’ to chase down a man who apparently tried to steal her phone.

She explained in a Facebook post that she was at a restaurant and felt uneasy about a man standing near her, knowing she left her phone on the chair next to her.

He then grabbed the phone and left – but the tennis world number one was close behind him, chasing him and even apparently leaping over a chair or two.

When he began to ran she writes that the "sprints came in handy" and soon caught up with him.

She got the phone back with the thief apparently saying he must have grabbed the wrong phone.

When she returned to the restaurant she said she was proud to recieve a standing ovation adding 'it's a win for the ladies'. The moral of the story for Selena is to always "listen to your superhero voice".

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It's another success for the record breaker who's won three out of four Grand Slams this year.