Professor Green Deletes All Tweets Saying 'I'm Tired Of My Digital Diarrhoea'

He starts afresh on the social networking site

Professor Green
Published 3rd Jul 2014

Professor Green has deleted all of his 54,000 Tweets and unfollowed everyone – including his wife Millie Mackintosh!

As part of his social networking scourge, the rap-pop star has also erased his profile and header photo.

The only Tweet that remains is an ambiguous “?” from this Tuesday:


Explaining his bold decision in a blog for The Independent, the rap-pop star says he’s “fed up of the digital diarrhoea that has spewed forth from my fingers in the 140 format.”

Pro added: “Over the last five years, I've tweeted over 54,000 times – an average of 27.47 times per day. From last night I've decided to erase my timeline and start over.

“I'm deleting all previous tweets and unfollowing the 1,600 people who clutter up my timeline. If I followed you on Twitter, chances are you have my number. Call me if you want to catch up.”

He continued: “When I'm 80 years old sucking soup through a straw and my great grandkids are scrolling through my timeline, do I want them knowing I told two million people that I took a s*** at 4pm on a Thursday? Not really.”

Looking forward, Pro said he’s going to use Twitter differently: “I want to use it less. It has become a tic, an uncontrollable impulse. I check my Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and email so many times.

“For every one tweet that is funny or interesting, there's 20 informed by boredom or impulse. I need to erase my mind as well as my Twitter feed.”

His blog also lamented the “generation of kids watching an entire gig through their phones” and he says “the loss of grammar via social media and texting” also bothers him.

A previously prolific user of Twitter, Professor Green once got into a hilarious feud with Rizzle Kicks over a roast potato and hit out at Millie Mackintosh's Made in Chelsea co-star Spencer Matthews.