Michael Jackson's Neverland Ranch up for sale for £65million - PHOTOS

See it in its heyday

Published 29th May 2015

Fantastic news for all of you with a spare £65million burning your back pocket, Michael Jackson’s sprawling Neverland Ranch has gone up for sale!

Located in Santa Barbara, California, the gargantuan property was once home to a zoo, a vast amusement park and a fire station within its extensive grounds.

Although these attractions have since been demolished, the property has retained Jackson’s clock and railway since being extensively refurbished.

Since its makeover it the 2,800 acre site has now been renamed Sycamore Valley Ranch.


The late King of Pop bought Neverland for $19.5million (£12.75million) back in 1987 and resided in the property until 2005.

Jackson named the property after Neverland, the fantasy island in the story of Peter Pan, about a boy who never grows up.

He left the property following his acquittal in the People vs. Jackson child molestation trial saying he no longer considered it his home following the “violating” police searches.

Neverland was closed to the public in 2006 after Jackson failed to pay his staff and maintain the insurance.

See some a selection of the biggest and most impressive celebrity homes below:

PHOTO GALLERY: 28 incredible celebrity mansions


