Madonna Turns Up For Jury Service in New York But Gets Dismissed

The court was concerned she might be a distraction

Published 8th Jul 2014

Madonna fulfilled her civic responsibilities by appearing for jury service in Manhattan yesterday morning (7th July).

After receiving her call in the post, the pop legend turned up to the New York County Courthouse and spent two hours in a separate room from the other prospective jurors.

Unfortunately for Madonna, she was relieved of her jury duties to avoid "creating a distraction" for her fellow jurors and any potential court case.

David Bookstaver, the spokesman for the state court system, said: “We had ample jurors today and had we needed her, she would have been sent out on a panel.

"We had sufficient jurors not to have created a further distraction for the courthouse. She got credit for her service and we're delighted she came.”

He added: “(It) really goes to show that everyone gets called".

Madonna has now been excused from jury service in New York for six years.

Last year Tom Hanks served on a 12-person jury in Los Angeles for a domestic violence case. He was relieved of his duties following accusations of 'jury tampering.'