Loose Women apologise after Katie Price's son Harvey swears on live TV

The pair appeared on the show to talk about bullying

Published 17th May 2016

Loose Women had to apologise today after Harvey Price dropped a swear word live on the show.

The 13-year-old was on the show with his mother, Katie Price, as she discussed the vile internet abuse her son has received over the past few months.

As Katie asked him “If someone says something horrible to Harvey, what does Harvey say?’ to which he replied ‘Hello you c***’

Loose Women | ITV

Immediately after, mortified Katie seemed to tell her son off before Andrea McLean took over saying "Ok, we apologise."

Later in the show, the panel also issued another apology saying “We have to apologise for that language you heard a little bit earlier on."

Before the interview began, the mum-of-five admitted to viewers that producers of the show had considered pre-recording the interview due to Harvey’s temperamental behaviour, but Katie insisted the interview was shown live.

The 13-year-old suffers from Prader-Willi syndrome as well as being partially blind, suffering from ADHD and autism.

At the time of the incident, the panel were discussing the vile abuse Harvey has received via social media. Fans of the show were quick to show their support for the young man.

At the time when the trolling was at its worst, Katie went to the extreme of reposting some of the cruel memes about Harvey on her Instagram page in an attempt to find the culprits with one post reading “Does anybody know who this vile person is."

Katie then took to Facebook to thank fans for their support and proved her harsh technique worked to a certain degree, with some of the users deleting their accounts and even messaging Katie to apologise.

Katie is yet to comment on the unfortunate situation which happened on today’s show.

Loose Women continues weekdays at 12.30pm.