Lily Allen reveals seven year stalker ordeal

The singer believes the man wanted to kill her

Published 18th Apr 2016

Lily Allen has opened up about being stalked for seven years, which left her feeling like a ‘hermit’.

The 30-year-old revealed that she became aware of Alex Grey when he started sending threatening messages on Twitter and letters to her flat, her sister’s house and her management.

On Twitter, using the username @lilyallenRIP, he claimed that he had written her hit song ‘The Fear’.

In October last year a man broke into her flat as she’d forgotten to lock her back door before going to bed.

With her children asleep in the house, a person (who Lily believes to be Alex) entered her room.

She told the Guardian: “I sat up and looked and the door-handle was twisting round. This guy came steaming in and I didn’t know who he was. I recoiled and he ripped the duvet off, calling me a ‘f** b****’ and yelling about where his dad is.”

Lily believes the man had a stuffed object in his pocket and intended to kill her. Fortunately a friend of the singer got the intruder out of the house, but police apparently dismissed the situation as a burglary when they discovered her handbag had been stolen.

(Credit: PA Images)

It left the singer feeling ‘very alone’ and like a 'nuisance' as she explained that she felt the police weren’t taking her complaints seriously, especially as Alex had been reported missing by his sister and his mum had given the police an email which reportedly said he was going to London to ‘murder a celebrity’.

Lily said she’s ‘practically a hermit now’ and has had to leave her flat, move to a street with more CCTV and that even though he’s now in prison, she still sees his face everywhere.

30-year-old Andrew Gray from Perth has been convicted of burglary and harassment and is awaiting sentencing.

(Credit: PA Images) Lily married Sam Cooper in 2011 and they have two children with, four-year-old Ethel Mary and three-year-old Marnie Rose.