Johnny Depp pranks wife Amber Heard for TV show

She's furious!

Published 29th Oct 2015

Hollywood actor Johnny Depp has been caught on film pranking his wife, Amber Heard, making her believe her much-loved car had disappeared.

There were good intentions though as the ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ star had arranged for her vintage Mustang to be upgraded on the American TV show, Overhauled.

Not one to miss an opportunity for mischief, he let the actress believe her car has gone missing. She got really annoyed when the police (who’re in on the joke) don’t take it seriously and instead want to take pictures of her famous husband.

Her dad was also part of the prank and just as Amber believes he’s about to be arrested, they all step in to reveal it was all for a laugh.

When Johnny Depp was asked if he found it hard to keep the secret, he joked "there’s only so many times you can change the subject".

Watch it below.

It was smiles all round when she was then presented with her as-good-as-new cherry red car.

Depp recentely starred alongside Benedict Cumberbatch in the film Black Mass.