John Newman has confirmed his brain tumour has returned

He made a statement earlier today.

Published 3rd Aug 2016

'Love Me Again' singer John Newman has released a statement following speculation that his brain tumour has returned.

The 26-year-old was diagnosed with a benign brain tumour four years ago after he "started going blind" and recovered well from brain surgery, but has had regular checks ever since.

In the statement he said, 'This was going to come out at some point and it’s probably best it’s out in the open now.'

His statement continued, 'There was always a chance that it could return and it is unfortunate but it is something i am prepared to get through when the time is right, some point next year.' sic

He went on to say how the medical staff had been amazing and nothing would him from doing the job he loves.

John is expected to have surgery to remove the tumour which is believed to have cancerous cells next year followed by radiation therapy.

Despite the news John is upbeat and said, 'People shouldn’t worry about me, the prognosis is good and there are so many people in far more serious situations.'

He also took to Twitter saying, 'Whatever life brings you, be strong, always positive, love everyday like it is your last and smash it out the f****ckin park!! 2016baby!!!'

This news comes just days before John's latest single with Calvin Harris 'Olé' is due for release. Yesterday the singer posted a teaser of the video filmed in Mexico.