Jake Quickenden & Edwina Currie To Join I'm A Celebrity

They will unite with their eight other campmates tonight

Published 20th Nov 2014

Former X Factor singer Jake Quickenden and ex-Conservative MP Edwina Currie are set to join I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here.

The two fresh celebs will make their debut in the jungle on tonight’s show AT 9pm (Thursday 20th November).

It will take the total number of camp mates to 10 after Gemma Collins walked out on Wednesday morning and Craig Charles exited earlier today following the tragic death of his brother.


26-year-old Jake, who was voted off The X Factor earlier this month, said: "Things like this don't happen to me. I am just a normal bloke.

"I am going to take this opportunity with both hands. I want to relish everything that is thrown at me. I actually haven't stopped grinning since I got offered this."

Former Tory Minister, Edwina Currie, said: "I am 68 and I like having adventures.

"If an advanced stage of life is not an adventure, then you might as well give up on everything. This will certainly be something I have never experienced before."
