Hot Dog Princess - little girl chooses to dress as a hot dog rather than a princess

What a hero!

Published 6th Jun 2016

Last month five-year-old Ainsley Turner went to her dance school dressed as a hot dog during 'Princess Week'.

While the decision to wear a hot dog costume to Princess Week is pretty unusual in itself, what makes this story even more unusual is that it was totally Ainsley's decision to wear the costume, as confirmed by her dad Brandon who tweeted, 'Best part is it was all her idea!'.

Although Princess Week was actually last month but it wasn't until a few days ago, when the photos were picked up by YouTube star Tyler Oakley that the story began to go viral with over 26,000 people hearting his tweet.

Resulting in the original tweet from Grayson - an assistant at the school - also being hearted 14,000 times and Ainsley becoming an internet sensation with media from around the world picking up on the story.

Talking to BuzzFeed News, Sarah Nativi, another assistant at the dance school said that the costume was Ainsley's favourite.

“She loves princesses, but she wanted to be original and wear a hot dog costume instead,” she said. “She wore a princess costume underneath it and said she was a princess on the inside!”

Hailed as a hero by many for just being herself, Ainsley has since been asked to wear the costume again and kick off the school's recital where she was a hit once again.

Not afraid of being the 'odd one out' most of us could learn a lot from Ainsley.

Go Ainsley!