George Clooney Slams Daily Mail For 'Inciting Violence'

He hits out at the British paper in a blog post

Published 9th Jul 2014

George Clooney has slammed the Daily Mail over a story they published on Monday claiming his fiancée Amal Alamuddin’s mother opposed their marriage on religious grounds.

The Daily Mail article, which has now been removed from their website, alleged that Baria Alamuddin wanted her daughter marry a man within the Druze community.

Responding via an impassioned a blog post for USA Today, Clooney accused the paper of being “irresponsible” and "exploiting religious differences where none exist".

Pointing out that Amal's mother is not Druze, Clooney said he was used to the paper making up “idiotic stories” but this time their “lie involves larger issues.”

“The irresponsibility, in this day and age, to exploit religious differences where none exist, is at the very least negligent and more appropriately dangerous,” Clooney wrote.

“We have family members all over the world, and the idea that someone would inflame any part of that world for the sole reason of selling papers should be criminal.”

He continued: “The Daily Mail, more than any other organization that calls itself news, has proved time and time again that facts make no difference in the articles they make up.

“And when they put my family and my friends in harm's way, they cross far beyond just a laughable tabloid and into the arena of inciting violence.”

George, 52, became engaged to 36-year-old British Lebanese human rights lawyer Amal in April.

You can read the full George Clooney blog here.