Ex Big Brother contestant Cristian MJC reveals operation has left him partially paralysed

Took to Twitter to share the news

Published 2nd Aug 2016

Former Big Brother contestant Cristian MJC has revealed he has been left partially paralysed following an operation to correct a swimming injury.

The 21 year-old, real name Matthew Clarkson, shared the news on Monday afternoon. As well as a series of tweets he also shared this picture of himself in a hospital bed.

He wrote on Twitter, 'Complete paralysis on my left side, completely numb. Just to update you guys, I was sent back into A&E in an ambulance this morning at 4am due to complications in yesterday’s operation that caused infection and now internal bleeding.'

He went on to say, 'I have never experienced pain as bad in my life, I’m completely paralysed in my left arm and just pray it will work again. I’m on morphine, oxycodon & nitrous oxide to regulate it, as before the pain made me throw up & pass out.'

However there has been some good news as he tweeted he is getting some sensation back in his arm.

The physical setback comes at a bad time for Cristian MJC who is getting ready for the release of his first single 'True Colours' on the 12th of August. Last month he tweeted his excitement at the video being released.

You can watch the full video here: