E.L. James' Twitter Q&A #AskELJames goes horribly wrong

Fifty Shades of Grey author EL James held a Twitter Q&A for her fans and it didn't quite go to plan...

Published 30th Jun 2015

Fifty Shades of Grey author EL James held a Twitter Q&A for her fans to promote her latest book in the 50 shades series but it wasn't quite the positive PR exercise she expected.

Along with simple questions about what the author does in her spare time and inspiration for the book there were some that took the opportunity to call out the obsessive nature of Christian Grey and his 'abusive' relationship with the protagonist Ana Steele.

Negative comments came in fast from former abuse victims, critics and those who objected to the nature of the book and how it treats consent.

There were however some humorous responses mixed in.

Star of the film adaption of one of the greater literary classics, 'Matilda' Mara Wilson even joined in.

Anyone thinking perhaps the public Twitter bashing might put the author off writing any more books were proven wrong with this tweet.

And it seemed at the end of it all that James had managed to enjoy herself.