Doughnut-licking Ariana Grande could still have a 'problem'

Ariana Grande's doughnut licking incident just won't go away.

Published 17th Jul 2015

Ariana Grande's doughnut licking incident just won't go away.

Last week CCTV footage emerged of the 'Break Free' singer 'licking' some doughnuts in Wolfee Donuts, California saying 'I hate America'. The doughnuts were later bought by an unsuspecting customer.

It was previously announced that the shop owner would not press charges, but in a recent radio interview with Roz & Mocha at a Toronto-based radio station shop owner Joe Marin said he did press charges and doesn't know where reports to the contrary have come from.

After the CCTV footage was released Ariana issued an apology on Twitter saying:

Followed by a video on YouTube where in a heartfelt 4 minute long video she said, 'I shoved my face in a pillow and wanted to disappear...I'm 22 years old, I'm human, I still got a lot to learn'. You can watch her apology video below.