Doppelgängers meet on board a flight

Have you ever met someone who looks exactly like you, but is unrelated?!

Published 30th Oct 2015

Have you ever met someone who looks exactly like you, but is unrelated?!

Well exactly that happened to Lee Beattie's friend's husband and she tweeted about it. Now the photo of the pair who met on a Ryanair flight has gone viral.

Lee's initial tweet (below) has been retweeted over 5000 times and favourited even more.

Since her first tweet loads of ginger, bearded men have been getting in touch sending her their photos to which she has responded saying, "Oh my god, there's another one" and "I am now an agent for ginger bearded men. Not a complaint btw".

Although unusual, it's not the first time something like this has happened.

Recently two exchange students, one from the UK and one from Ireland met by chance in Germany and realised they looked exactly alike.

Below is a short video about them.