Channel 4's newest dating show shocks viewers

Naked Attraction reverses the dating game.

Published 26th Jul 2016

Viewers of the new dating show, Naked Attraction, have taken to social media after watching the programme last night.

Naked Attraction turns dating on its head by revealing naked prospective dates from the outset.

In the first episode music producer, Aina is looking for love in this unusual way, as she is presented with prospective dates 'housed' in frosted boxes, reminiscent of Arnie's Terminator.

Surprisingly their privates are revealed first because according to the show's presenter Anna Richardson 'it’s made it a far more interesting show'.

As the risqué show progresses one of the prospective dates is ditched after each round of revealing another body part to Aina, who at times can't help giggling at what she is presented with.

Finally whittled down to just three men their faces are revealed and Aina could also hear them speak.

At this stage one more was ditched and now it was time for Aina to get naked too.

She then picked one lucky guy and the two are now officially dating!

Despite the happy ending, many on Twitter weren't really sure what to make of the show with Tom Clisham saying 'That naked attraction show is beyond creepy!'.

While others really wanted to see what the Googlebox reaction to this show would be like.

And others just chose to express their thoughts through gifs!

Even Anna Richardson tweeted to say that her mum had 'gone very VERY quiet'.

In an interview on Channel 4's website Anna said that while she '100 per cent applaud and admire every single person that was on there' she would not be getting naked for the show as she doesn't feel comfortable about her body.

WATCH: Trailer for Naked Attraction »

If you missed Naked Attraction on Channel 4 you can watch it on 4OD.