Bizarre and hilarious #ChuckleBrothersArt craze is taking over Twitter

They've always been famous for their art!

Published 28th Aug 2015

The Chuckle Brothers have always been famous for their art...

However 'classic art' is probably not a phrase you'd associate with the 'to me, to you' duo.

Well, a new Twitter craze has put an end to all of that. Users have been flooding Twitter with a string of images featuring the the comedy pair photoshopped into classic paintings.

Yes, this really is a thing. Started this week by the website The Poke - they decided to set their followers the challenge to make #ChuckleBrothersArt.

It's safe to say their followers did not disappoint...

One 'artist' decided to photoshop Barry Chuckle onto the Girl with a Pearl Earring. Twitter really is an amazing place.

Oh wait, there are loads more...


People are brilliant.

Imagine hanging this on your wall...

Chuckles playing poker anyone?

10 points for this clever interpretation:

And finally, our personal favourites, all in one tweet...

Which one was your favourite? You can see them all over on the #ChuckleBrothersArt hashtag!