Angie Bowie leaves Celebrity Big Brother

She said Big Brother had 'cracked her' in last night's show

Published 19th Jan 2016

Angie Bowie has left Celebrity Big Brother.

It comes a day after housemate David Gest quit due to 'medical reasons'.

On the Channel 5 website it says 'After being unwell for a few days, Angie Bowie has decided to leave the Celebrity Big Brother House.'

There'd been speculation as she tried to quit the show over the weekend and asked for a private taxi to take her to London.

In a rant she hit out at producers after a light was apparently not turned off for 'three hours'.

She started to pack her suitcase and in the Diary Room demanded her belongings and yelled that she wanted to leave.

She added "You did it - you cracked me. It was all going to be just peachy until you decided that the smart day to drive me crazy was to have another of your pathetic parties where you inebriate this people with alcohol and I can’t sleep. No, it’s over. I am not staying here another minute. Get me out of here now.”

Her exit will be addressed in tonight's show.