Angelina Jolie reveals film worries after having her breasts removed

The star had a double mastectomy in 2013

Published 5th Nov 2015

Angelina Jolie’s admitted she almost cut scenes from her new movie after feeling self-conscious about having her breasts removed.

She decided to have them removed in 2013 after learning she had an 87% risk of developing breast cancer. She then also had her ovaries and fallopian tubes removed earlier this year.

The actress, who stars in and directed By The Sea alongside husband Brad Pitt, reportedly said there were many scenes she wanted to remove or change. In particular she wanted to cut a scene where she was nude in the bath.

She explained "I realised it would be me in that bathtub" added that it made her self-conscious about people analysing her, her marriage or mastectomy. She kept the scene in though, because to take it out would have been ‘cheating’.

The couple recently gave an emotional interview opening up about the Changeling star’s surgery.

Watch it below:

By The Sea is about a couple who go on holiday as a last attempt to save their marriage.

It's out in November, 2015.