American College Launches Miley Cyrus Course

Students can study the sociology of the pop singer

Published 28th Mar 2014

An American college is offering students a course on the sociology of Miley Cyrus.

Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York, a private school that specialises in the arts, is hosting a module called ‘The Sociology of Miley Cyrus: Race, Class, Gender, and Media.’

Taught by Carolyn Chernoff, Visiting Assistant Professor of Sociology, as part of the course students will learn about "gender stratification and the hyper-commodification of childhood", "what happens to Disney stars as they age?", "bisexuality, queerness, and the female body" and other Miley-related themes.

Of course, Miley isn’t the first person to have a course dedicated to her.

Since 2011, Hope University in Liverpool has run a 12-month full time MA degree on The Beatles Popular Music & Society.

Rutgers University in New Jersey has a course called 'Politicizing Beyoncé', which explores American race, gender and sexual politics through the context of the singer.

And way back in 1997, the University of Amsterdam famously offered 50 students an pop culture course examining Madonna’s lyric’s voice and films.

Take a look at our gallery of Child Stars: Then & Now including Miley Cyrus, Buzz from Home Alone, Haley Joel Osment and The Karate Kid RIGHT HERE.