55 world records to be attempted at the London Marathon

The marathon takes place on Sunday.

Published 22nd Apr 2016

This year sees a total of 69 people attempting 55 records in the annual London Marathon.

The records range from the Fastest marathon dressed as a 3-D dinosaur to Fastest marathon in a full body animal costume. Below are some of the best records that hope to be broken this year.

Ian Bates – Fastest Marathon Dressed as a Three Dimensional Dinosaur (Male)

Ian has been running marathons since 2000, he attempted a similar record last year with a 40kg costume but had to take it off at the last 10 mile marker.

© Guinness World Records

Phillip Box – Fastest Marathon Carrying a Household Appliance

Phillip has run over 70 marathons and now hopes to carry his affectionately named 'Tumble' around the London Marathon route in the fastest time possible.

© Guinness World Records

Ben Evans – Fastest Marathon Dressed in a Full Body Dinosaur Outfit

Ben will be running his 17th London Marathon this year and has decided to run it wearing a full body dinosaur suit.

© Guinness World Records

Christopher Shirley – Fastest Marathon Carrying a 100lb backpack

Since leaving the military after 12 years Chris has decided to attempt the London Marathon carrying a 100lb backpack!

© Guinness World Records

Thomas Winkler – Fastest Marathon Dressed as a Shoe

Thomas will be attempting the London Marathon dressed as a shoe, he will need to finish in 4 hours 15 minutes to break the record.

© Guinness World Records

Good luck to all the runners.