10 celebrity wedding crashers ft. Gary Barlow, Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran & Brad Pitt!

Published 27th May 2015

Marrying the one you love, your wedding day is undoubtedly one of the dizzying high points of your life! However, imagine how much of a head spin it would be if a Hollywood A-Lister or music icon randomly turned up?! We take a look at 10 times this has happened to lucky people!

Gary Barlow Having enjoyed himself at previous wedding guest spots, at the start of 2015 Gary Barlow announced on Twitter he would surprise perform at three weddings! After receiving thousands upon thousands of requests, his first guest slot came at Sarah Hensley’s Essex wedding in March and then Danielle and Daryl Jones’ nuptials in Berkshire in April. His dramatic third and final surprise was at Anita Morrissey-Booth and Alex Morrissey’s wedding in Liverpool where he appeared during a tribute act’s performance.

! Brad Pitt When Abi and Daniel Lingwood were celebrating their big day in Maidenhead in September 2013, they were shocked to discover Brad Pitt was staying in the same hotel as the reception! Fortunately for the couple, Brad was even happy to pose for a picture! Abi told a local paper: "My husband said to me Brad Pitt was at the bar and you have got to come with me so he dragged me across the hotel. I thought he was joking. He said congratulations and I hope you have had a great day and let's have a picture. And he said I looked nice. He was really nice."

Taylor Swift When an American superfan called Gena personally invited the ‘Shake It Off’ singer to her wedding, Taylor was pretty devastated she couldn’t make the big day. Testament to her love for her fans, Taylor instead decided to turn up to her bridal shower (hen do) unannounced instead and filmed the whole experience! Gotta love Taylor Swift!

! Serena Williams In June 2014, tennis ace Serena Williams hit the beach in Miami with her friend and fellow player Caroline Wozniacki. When she saw a wedding party on the beach she was only too keen to pose for photos wearing nothing but her fetching leopard print bikini. Sharing a photo of herself with the shocked looking couple on Instagram, Serena wrote: "Wedding crasher!! Congrats!”

Bill Murray In 2014, movie icon Billy Murray gatecrashed a stag do at a bar in Charleston, South Carolina. With his typical acerbic wit, 64-year-old Bill dished out advice to the entire stag party – EXCEPT the groom. One nugget of advice was: "You know how funerals are not for the dead, they're for the living? Bachelor parties are not for the groom, they're for the uncommitted." He then gave tips on how to find the perfect woman!

! John Travolta In May 2013, Grease and Pulp Fiction actor John Travolta surprised a couple in Georgia when he casually dropped by their wedding while in the area to renew his pilot’s licence. Appearing on The Late Show with David Letterman, Travolta joked of the incident: "I posed with them, they loved it, I was a hero in their eyes, and before I left I said, 'Do you know of a veterinarian in the area? They said, Yes, we can help you with that. I said,'Good, because these puppies are sick."

Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez Way back in July 2011, former love birds decided to crash a wedding in Malibu, Florida after they reportedly heard his song ‘One Less Lonely Girl’ playing at the reception. Justin and Selena posed for dozens of photographs with the excited wedding party and later on Justin even took to the microphone, saying: "We heard a party so we decided to just come!" to massive cheers.

! Ed Sheeran Once again proving that there’s no nicer or harder working man in music, Ed turned up at the wedding of Sydney couple Matt and Kya to perform his hit single ‘Thinking Out Loud’ after hearing they were having it as their first dance. He posted an image of himself with the happy couple on Instagram, alongside the caption: “Just surprised this lovely couple’s first dance. Available for weddings, birthdays and bar mitzvah’s, contact your local supermarket for details.”

Beyoncé While holidaying with her music mogul hubby Jay Z in Portofino, Italy, Beyoncé decided to visit a local church while wandering around the seaside village. Unknowingly she stumbled into a wedding ceremony and she happily posed for photos with the delighted couple while wearing a bikini, sheer skirt, and straw hat. Talk about the shock of their lives!

! Zach Braff Admittedly more of a photobomb than a wedding crash, this hilarious image of Zach Braff smiling into the camera while a newly married couple posed for photos was captured by the wedding photographer Sascha Reinking. Easily one of the greatest photobombs we’ve ever seen!