Naomi From News Chats Elf, Santa and a certain 1980s horrible itchy jumper!

Published 14th Dec 2015

1. Where are you spending Christmas day this year?

At my mum and dad’s with some family friends that we’ve shared Christmas with for over 30 years now.

2. What’s the best present you’ve ever received for Christmas?

I should probably say my younger sister Becky who arrived on the 27th of December…. But it’s really the Spectrum 148K computer I got when I was ten. It was so cool – the games were on cassettes that would take 45 minutes to load, and then wouldn’t work!

3. And the worst…

Again – maybe I should say my younger sister Becky who arrived on the 27th of December….. But it was probably some 1980s horrible itchy jumper!

4. What's your favourite Christmas movie?

Elf! It still cracks me up and I’ve watched it heaps of times. I’ve even been known to put it on in the middle of summer.

5. Favourite Christmas song?

The Pogues, Fairytale of New York. It instantly gets me in the Christmas mood and I love singing along at the top of my lungs.

6. What is your favourite part of Christmas day?

SANTA!! I love getting up early and seeing all the pressies under the tree. My son is 6 and it’s such a magical time for him. I also love seeing the look on someone’s face when you get them a gift they really like.

7. Do you have a favourite Christmas drink, food or recipe?

It’s probably the only time of the year that I drink Baileys. There’s something about a belly full of turkey and stuffing that makes me want to lie on the sofa with a big glass!