Salmond praised by Yes supporters

Supporters of the Yes campaign have thanked the First Minister for ``doing a great job'' as they heard the news that he would be standing down.

Published 19th Sep 2014

Supporters of the Yes campaign who continued to gather at the Scottish Parliament throughout the day thanked the First Minister for doing a great job'' as they heard the news that he would be standing down.

Dozens of people, many who had stayed up through the night, were still outside Holyrood waving Saltires and cheering despite the result of the independence referendum.

At one point, an impromptu ceilidh broke out as a piper played to the crowds who spoke of their sadness after learning Alex Salmond would quit as leader of the SNP and First Minister.

Felix Adamson, 19, from Edinburgh: It's obviously disappointing but at the end of the day it was not unexpected. We all have a lot to thank him for, regardless of what you thought about him, because we are all standing here outside the parliament right now because of him.

I sort of became very disillusioned with politics a few years ago and now I've just joined the Scottish Greens and it's really helped me move forward in my political thinking and made me realise what I care about - things like Trident and the NHS and children living in poverty. And without him I wouldn't really be standing at the parliament now. I want to thank him for getting me interested in politics again and sort of restoring my faith in the system and for creating the Yes movement.

He was a great leader no matter what you thought about him and you couldn't deny he was a great debater.''

Mhairi McLellan, 26, from Edinburgh said: It's disappointing but I guess it's kind of to be expected. That's what happens in politics, if you lose the battle like this then generally there are resignations, but to be honest I'm feeling sad about it.

I think he has done an amazing thing for Scotland and I think he deserves to be commended highly. Even though we didn't win the referendum, it was still an amazing turnout in terms of people coming out to vote and actually it was quite a high percentage.

I am sad about it but I guess he will still be causing lots of trouble in the background for Westminster, I am sure.''

Sam Shackleton, 18, from Edinburgh, said: I think it's sad but he's done a really great job pushing forward the Yes movement.He's done a lot for us and I think a lot of the people have come together which is great to see. I would say to him, 'Don't feel down, don't feel ashamed, the Yes movement is not defeated'.''

Struan Scobbie, 19, also from Edinburgh, said: I think it's sad - I think he's done a good job. I'm not sure why he felt he had to resign because I think he could have kept going but really he's done all he can.''