Moult struggling for fitness ahead of the new season

Motherwell striker Louis Moult admits his lingering groin injury is making him a domestic "nightmare''.

Published 12th Jul 2016

Motherwell striker Louis Moult admits his lingering groin injury is making him a domestic "nightmare''.

Moult will see a specialist on Thursday after close-season rest failed to solve the problem.

The 24-year-old has not missed a game since joining Motherwell a year ago but he could be forced out of Saturday's Betfred Cup opener against Rangers - and potentially longer.

The former Stoke and Wrexham forward said: "It's very frustrating. These last two weeks have been a nightmare for me.

"I've been shouting at my missus, just because I'm frustrated because I'm not playing to my full potential because I have a little niggle. Being unfit as well isn't helping.

"I want to play in every game I can. I'll play Saturday if the gaffer gives me the green light. That's the kind of person I am, I just want to get back on the pitch and score goals.

"I've had one or two injuries before and, I'll be honest with you, if I'm not in the starting 11 or I'm injured, I'm a nightmare to deal with. I'm not going to lie, my missus hates me.

"I love playing football and being happy playing football. That's what makes me tick, it's all I have ever known.

"She appreciates that and I think she's getting used to that now.''

Moult hopes he is at least back fit for the start of the Ladbrokes Premiership season on August 6 as he looks to build on his 18-goal debut campaign.

"I'm seeing a guy on Thursday so hopefully we know what to do and where to go on Thursday,'' said Moult, who was launching Motherwell's new shirt sponsorship deal with car dealers Motorpoint.

"The idea is to nip it in the bud now before Kilmarnock. I had a scan and it came back clear but I know my body and I'm in a little bit of pain. So we need to sort it out.

"I had it just after Christmas and I played through it, which probably didn't help. It's just a little niggle, but a niggle that hasn't gone away.

"We thought the downtime we had, four weeks off, if I don't do much then it will settle down. Unfortunately it hasn't quite been the case.''