Fan group extends Gers shareholding

Fan group Rangers First now owns two per cent of the Scottish Championship club after extending their Light Blues shareholding to 1.6million shares.

Published 23rd Feb 2015

Fan group Rangers First now owns two per cent of the Scottish Championship club after extending their Light Blues shareholding to 1.6million shares.

And it has also been given another 410,000 shares in proxies ahead of next month's crucial general meeting, which could spell the end of the current board's Ibrox reign.

The group - Britain's biggest fan-ownership scheme - has already announced it will use its now combined 2.5 per cent stake to back Dave King's bid to oust directors David Somers, James Easdale, Derek Llambias and Barry Leach after a poll of its 11,700 members.

Rangers First will also vote King, Paul Murray and John Gilligan onto a new-look board of directors.

Spokesman Ricki Neill has praised the Light Blue faithful for their continued commitment to Rangers First ahead of the decisive March 6 meeting at Ibrox.

He said: "Rangers First has certainly captured the imagination of supporters and we are delighted to announce an increased shareholding of two per cent in Rangers Football Club with a further 0.5 per cent in proxies.

"I am thrilled with the growth of our organisation in just a few months as we have gone from having meetings with a small group of supporters to just under 12,000 members and there is no doubt Rangers First will have a crucial role to play at the forthcoming General Meeting and beyond.

"Our members have overwhelmingly voted in favour of Dave King's resolutions and, like many supporters around the world, we will be heard.''