Strong Scottish heritage for new Hibs majority shareholder Ron Gordon

The businessman was born and raised in Peru, but has strong links to Scotland

Published 2nd Jul 2019

New Hibernian majority shareholder Ron Gordon was born and brought up in Peru but has strong Scottish heritage.

Gordon's grandfather emigrated to South America in 1908 and the new Hibs chairman studied at a British school in Lima, where his upbringing sparked his love of football.

Gordon moved to the United States at the age of 15 and finished his studies in Australia.

He founded independent broadcaster ZGS Communications, which ran a number of television stations serving the Hispanic community in the US.

He was also president of Telemundo, which owns the largest Spanish-speaking stations in the States, before selling ZGS in 2017 following more than 30 years in control of the company.

Gordon, who won a White House Media Achievement Award, is also a founder and director of a community bank in Washington DC.

He has also served on the board of the Arlington Community Foundation and his predecessor at Hibernian, Sir Tom Farmer, outlined his commitment to the greater good as one of the main reasons he chose to sell him his shares.

Farmer told a media conference: "He's a successful businessman and he recognises he has a responsibility to put something back into the community. I was brought up to believe that as well.''

Gordon himself stressed his commitment to the wider community.

"People often fear change so let me assure supporters and everyone associated with Hibernian that for me, continuity is a strength, particularly when I have such confidence in the executive and football leadership of the club,'' he said.

"Our first priority is to build on the foundations we have at Hibernian, to build a vision and a plan that will take us forward in a way that reflects the legacy, traditions and values of our wonderful club.

"Hibernian is a club that must always strive for excellence on and off the pitch, a club that always looks to improve, to be better, to do better, a club that is committed to service and making a positive difference in our community.'