Steven Reid: "Line drawn" under McBurnie comments

Oli McBurnie has addressed his Scotland team-mates after footage emerged that raised questions about his commitment to the national side.

Published 2nd Sep 2019
Last updated 2nd Sep 2019

The Sheffield United striker was captured on camera in the Bramall Lane tunnel allegedly saying he hoped he would not be called up for his country during a conversation involving fellow Scot John Fleck and other team-mates.

Both Sheffield United manager Chris Wilder and McBurnie's father last week dismissed the conversation as "banter'' which should not be taken seriously.

After McBurnie trained ahead of the Euro 2020 qualifying double header with Russia and Belgium, Scotland assistant coach Steven Reid said: "He spoke to the group before training, went out on the training pitch and wanted to speak to everyone and clarify the situation, which was cleared up pretty quickly.'

McBurnie also spoke to manager Steve Clarke about the controversy.

Reid added: "He is here, he is committed and he has spoken to the manager and the manager has made it clear that anyone that's not committed to being involved in squads, then they are not going to be involved.

"Everyone that you see training, anyone that is going to be in this squad and every squad going forward, they have to be committed or he has made it pretty clear that they are not going to be involved. They are not going to be in the plans going forward.

"He (McBurnie) had a few words with the group and trained really brightly.

"It's the first time I have worked with him personally and it's only been a day, but so far I have been really impressed with not only how he was on the training field but how he has been off the training field as well.

"Hopefully we draw a line under that one now and move on and look forward to the two games, because it's a big opportunity for Oli and a big opportunity for the lads that are going to be involved.'"