Stephen Robinson 'excited' by mystery incoming striker

The St Mirren boss is close to making another summer signing

Published 14th Jul 2023

Stephen Robinson is "excited" about the mystery forward he expects to bring to St Mirren next week.

The Buddies boss has lost the services of Curtis Main and Eamonn Brophy but has signed winger Conor McMenamin, strikers Mikael Mandron and Stav Nachmani, and goalkeeper Zach Hemming for the upcoming season.

Ahead of the Viaplay Cup opener at Montrose on Saturday - Arbroath, Cowdenbeath and Forfar are also in St Mirren's group - Robinson spoke about another recruit to his squad in guarded tones.

He said: "Stav Nachmani will come into the country (from Israel) on Saturday and train next week and hopefully be involved in the Arbroath game.

"We have one more forward player coming in for that we agreed a deal for last night. So plenty of competition.

"Once it is signed and sealed we will reveal all.

"I am excited about him. It is someone I have chased for a long time.

"He's a big boy, quick, physical and once we get pen to paper then I will reveal a little bit more.

"I am a wee bit superstitious about things like that in football but I am quietly confident that will get done in the next couple of days.

"I believe we have made the squad stronger."