Ryan Christie calls for united front against coronavirus threat

The midfielder is joining other high profile figures in urging people to stay at home

Published 26th Mar 2020

Celtic playmaker Ryan Christie believes a united effort can help defeat the coronavirus threat.

The Hoops midfielder has joined the band of major figures from across football pleading with the public to stay at home and slow the spread of the disease.

Celtic boss Neil Lennon and skipper Scott Brown have made similar appeals and Christie has urged the public to dig in and defeat the virus.

He said: "To echo the manager, Broony, and the feeling of all the boys and everyone involved at the club, we just want everyone to keep being safe.

"The more we can listen to the advice of the government and health officials, then the sooner it'll all be over. If we dig in, we'll get through it soon enough.

"Everyone is in isolation at the moment. Maybe you're on your own, or living with family or friends, but while everyone is on their own, it's a weird feeling, because there is a real sense of togetherness as well.

"These are uncertain and scary times, but when you're watching the news, you do have a sense that everybody in the country is watching the screen at the same time.

"There is a strange unity to it all, I suppose. So, as long as everyone is staying safe, keeping in touch with each other and checking in, then I'm sure we can get through it.''