Rangers fan group react to 'disgusting' Australia friendly decision

Fans are hitting back after Rangers agreed to face Celtic in a friendly in Sydney in November

Published 3rd Mar 2022

Rangers fan group the Union Bears are hitting out at the club for their 'disgusting' choice to play against Celtic in a friendly in Australia later this year.

Supporters of the Ibrox side voiced their displeasure during Wednesday night's win over St Johnstone with a banner reading: "Money over morals. No d£rby friendlies."

A statement has now been released on social media where the Union Bears say they have had reservations over continuing with a planned display at Saturday's match against Aberdeen.

The Twitter post also says they will continue to oppose the club's involvement in Sydney's mini-tournament in November and vow to keep protesting.

A statement read: “We are disgusted to learn that our club have plans to take part in a friendly over in Australia against our biggest rivals, though not entirely shocked given the recent over commercialisation of the club.

“We made our feelings clear last night and will continue to oppose this match for as long as necessary - taking whatever actions we feel are required.

“Over the past few months, we as a group have been working tirelessly to create a tifo to celebrate our clubs 150th anniversary.

"This has taken hundreds of man hours and cost thousands of pounds, which was raised by the Rangers support. The news of this despicable friendly had made us reconsider our plans - how can we have a day of celebration while this is hanging over our heads?

“After much discussion over the past 24 hours, we have came to the decision that the tifo will go ahead despite the disappointment, anger and frustration we currently have towards those from the club behind this narrow minded, cash driven decision.

“The tifo is not being done for men in a boardroom with no real emotional attachment to our club, it's being done for us as fans to celebrate 150 years of our magnificent football club.

“Board members will come and go but the one major consistency at Rangers will always be the supporters. We'd ask all fans inside Ibrox on Saturday to take part in the tifo - no matter your feelings towards the disgusting decision that the board has made.

“This tifo is for the four lads that had a dream, it's for our players and managers who have contributed to the clubs success but most importantly - Saturday’s tifo is for the fans past and present who have stood by the club through thick and thin.

“So let's not allow them the board to take away more from us than they already have.

“Our club, not theirs!”