James Anderson donates £250,000 to Scottish Women's Football

The investment fund manager has turned his attentions to the women's game after a seven-figure donation to the SPFL

Published 16th Jun 2020

Philanthropist James Anderson has turned his attentions to Scottish Women's Football after helping the men's game.

The Edinburgh-based investment manager has donated £250,000 to the Scottish Football Partnership Trust to help steer the women's game through the coronavirus pandemic.

Anderson last week made a donation worth £3,125,000 to the Scottish Professional Football League to give every club access to a £50,000 grant while also aiding community projects.

The 60-year-old Norwich supporter said: "Football for girls and women in Scotland continues to make incredible progress across every level and this has really inspired me to support SWF through this partnership approach with the SFP Trust.

"Football is at the heart of communities across Scotland and the women's game is a key part of this.''

Vivienne MacLaren, the chair of Scottish Women's Football, added: "This support will help provide an incredibly powerful message to all girls and women in Scotland that their sport matters and has not been forgotten in the midst of this pandemic.

"We are very grateful to James Anderson for recognising this. We are delighted that we are able to deliver this funding via the SFP Trust and thank them for their support.''

The funding - which could rise to £312,000 with gift aid - will be delivered to clubs in the top two divisions of the women's game as well as sustaining staff in the governing body, while also supporting the grassroots game.

MacLaren added: "As well as the loss of revenues, the inability to play also results in an increasing invisibility of the sport which has grown significantly in recent years, with the Women's World Cup in 2019 a particular catalyst for improving perceptions and visibility.

"This is the single biggest investment in SWF and our domestic game, which will undoubtedly be a huge support for our clubs through these unprecedented times and help to maintain the momentum we have built up in recent years.

"We are thrilled Mr Anderson fully supports our vision for the growth of our game and our conversations were hugely encouraging particularly as he has intimated a desire to develop a longer-term relationship which could be potentially transformational for our clubs and domestic competitions in the future.''