Giovanni van Bronckhorst vows to pick players up after Europa League heartbreak

The Ibrox side lost on penalties to Eintracht Frankfurt

Published 18th May 2022

Giovanni van Bronckhorst's vowing to pick his players up following their heartbreak in Seville.

Rangers faltered at their final Europa League hurdle with a cruel 5-4 penalty shootout defeat to Eintracht Frankfurt in Seville.

Joe Aribo had the Gers fans in raptures in the searing heat of the Ramon Sanchez-Pizjuan stadium when he opened the scoring in the 57th minute.

However, Colombia forward Rafael Borre levelled in the 68th minute to give the game 30 added minutes where Frankfurt goalkeeper Kevin Trapp made a fantastic last-gasp save from Ryan Kent.

Then came penalties and despair for the Light Blues and substitute Aaron Ramsey in particular who had his spot-kick saved.

Gers skipper James Tavernier scored as did substitutes Steven Davis, Scott Arfield and Kemar Roofe, while Christopher Lenz, Ajdin Hrustic, Daichi Kamada, Filip Kostic and Borre scored their penalties as Rangers' Europa League journey ended in disappointment.

Van Bronckhorst said: “Of course it’s a big disappointment.

“If you play a final in Europe and lose then it will be hurt because you play a final and play everything you can to win it.

“With penalties it’s a lottery and we weren’t on the good side but I can’t complain with everything my players gave and before this.

“It was a really tight game that went all the way to penalties and we lost. We were so close to winning a trophy but that’s football.

“If you win big finals you will have memories that will lost forever but when you lose it will hurt a lot.

“I lost the World Cup final - the biggest game there is - and it was a huge disappointment but you have to move on and we have a big game on Saturday and have to start all over again next season.

“When you see the game a lot of subs were used because it was tough physically. They gave 100 per cent and that’s all you can ask.”

“We practiced the penalties. Some players are comfortable in taking penalties so a good few wanted to take and a few didn’t.

“We had our list ready but had to adjust it due to the subs.

"Aaron was of course disappointed but he took responsibility.

“You can either make it or miss it and unfortunately for us he didn’t make it but you want players who are ready and comfortable.

“The mood is very down. It’s never nice to lose so everyone is hurt and disappointed and you can sense it in the locker room but that is normal so soon after the game.

“We had a big chance at the end and it was a great save. Especially in those minutes towards the end of the game they can be decisive but Ryan did everything he could to score the goal.

“It was a big chance and you have to take them, especially in those minutes but Ryan did everything.

"It's not going to be easy to get them ready because we are hurt and disappointed but we did it a couple of times after a short recovery.

"We fly back, one day to prepare and it won't be easy but we will be ready for Saturday to try and end the season with a trophy.”