Evidence needed on artificial surfaces, says Ziggy Gordon

PFA Scotland has submitted a petition to the SPFL calling for a ban on plastic pitches

Published 14th Feb 2019

Hamilton defender Ziggy Gordon insists he will remain sanguine about artificial pitches in the absence of injury-risk evidence.

The players' union, PFA Scotland, has submitted a petition to the Scottish Professional Football League calling for action on artificial surfaces and the general standard of all pitches in the Scottish game.

Every player in the Ladbrokes Premiership - aside from those at Hamilton, Kilmarnock and Livingston, the top-flight clubs who currently have an artificial pitch - has signed the petition. In the other divisions, every club representative has signed on behalf of his team-mates.

Accies boss Brian Rice would only say: "I am happy with my pitch'' but Gordon was more expansive on the issue.

He said: "I need to look after myself. All players need to look after themselves in terms of health.

"If a survey came out determining that there is a higher or a lower risk of injury or players' health then, of course, I think Hamilton, Kilmarnock and Livingston would appreciate such information.

"The fact of the matter is there has not been any survey that has come out to determine whether there is higher or lesser risk of injury.

"I can only speak about myself. I have had no problems with it so far.

"Maybe in 10/15 years' time I will but maybe I will have a problem with the grass pitches.

"I have actually had two MCL (medial collateral ligament) injuries and both happened on grass.'