Aidan Wilson signs contract extension with Rangers

Aidan Wilson believes he can become a better player training with the likes of Bruno Alves after signing another extension to his Rangers contract.

Aidan Wilson
Published 31st Oct 2017
Last updated 31st Oct 2017

Wilson only signed a deal in May but he has now extended his stay until summer 2020.

The 18-year-old made two first-team appearances towards the end of last season and is happy with his progress since.

"I think I have improved a lot just in the short period of time since my last extension," he told the club's official website. "A lot of the parts of my game I wanted to work on, I have improved on.

"I have learnt from training with the experience of being with the first team and all I can do is keep going round to train with them, working hard, learning things from the players and then hopefully my chance will come.

"I feel that the more I am round with the first team the more I am learning and the more I am becoming a better player.

"I try and do my best away from the club, eat well, sleep well and stretch. Whatever I do I always make sure I am ready and best prepared to do the business out there."

Wilson, who has been on the bench this season but not featured, added: "Bruno is very professional, you learn a lot from his demeanour as well, how he conducts himself and how he is around the place.

"He is always working hard but he is quite quiet. He works so hard and you can see how he has got to where he's got to.

"I have had a couple of chats with him and he has helped me on a few occasions, positional work and just making sure I am in the right place. He has been very good with me.