Accies boss won't call Crawford Allan again after 'man-to-man' chat

Brian Rice
Author: Alison ConroyPublished 9th Apr 2021

Hamilton manager Brian Rice says he will not be contacting Crawford Allan again after a "man-to-man'' talk with the Scottish Football Association's head of referee operations.

The Accies boss hit out after his side's 3-0 Scottish Cup defeat to St Mirren last week, saying: "I'm angry as we are getting nothing. I'm fed up phoning Crawford Allan and getting shoved to the side because we are only Hamilton.

"I would like Crawford to take us seriously. To give us a fair crack of the whip just like everybody else - because we are not getting a fair crack of the whip. I don't care what anybody says.''

Ahead of the visit of Dundee United on Saturday, Rice, whose side are bottom of the Premiership, said a conversation with Allan had taken place.

The Hamilton boss, who revealed goalkeeper Ryan Fulton is out for the rest of the season after dislocating his knee in a freak accident and midfielder Scott Martin could also miss the rest of the campaign with a leg injury, said: "I spoke to Crawford.

"I brought his name up last week and I thought it was only fair that I phoned him. He phoned me back which was very good of him.

We had a man-to-man conversation. It went very well. We agreed on certain things and we disagreed with certain things, which is great.

But rest assured, I will never be phoning Crawford Allan again, that's me done. I am finished.

I said exactly what I think, I got the replies I probably knew I would get and now I know I don't need to phone Crawford Allan again. I can phone him but I will choose not to now.

What I said last week needed (to be) said from me. You can't be Mr Nice Guy all the time.

The fire is burning in there and sometimes everyone else has got to see that.

I was standing up for my club and letting everyone know the fire is burning. I stand by what I said 100 per cent.

Could I have put it across differently? Of course I could but it was how I felt, it was honesty but we have moved on and the most important thing is tomorrow.''

Ahead of the first of five post-split fixtures which will decide their fate this season, Hamilton have been struck with more bad news on the injury front.

Rice said: It is a freak accident with Ryan. On Monday morning he slipped as he came out his house and felt something go in his knee and it is a dislocated knee.

He is going for a scan today but he won't play again this season, that's for sure.

Scott Martin won't start training for at least a month, that will be touch and go if he will play again this season. I very much doubt it but I hope I am wrong.

It is always difficult at this time of the season, we want as big a squad as possible. We just need to get on with it.''