Youth footballer says coach felt his leg during car journey

A former youth footballer claimed that ex-Celtic Boys' Club coach Jim Torbett touched his thigh during a car journey.

Published 25th Oct 2018

A former youth footballer claimed that ex-Celtic Boys' Club coach Jim Torbett touched his thigh during a car journey.

The 45-year-old, from Motherwell, who played for Celtic Boys' Club in the 1980's. told the High Court in Glasgow he was in Torbett's car with four other boys driving along the M8 from Airdrie.

He said: “He touched my leg. He ran his hand up and I had to pull his hand away. He touched up to my groin, but I drew his hand away, I got a bit panicky.”

The witness was given evidence at the trial of Torbett, 71, from Kelvindale, Glasgow, who denies sexually abusing four boys August 1985 and August 1994.

Torbett is alleged to have abused the man on one occasion between June 1, 1985 and June 30, 1986.

The witness insisted the alleged incident happened when Torbett was his team manager and told prosecutor Sheena Fraser: “I think it was in 1986 to 1987.”

Defence QC Tony Graham said: “I have to suggest to you you have never been in Jim Torbett's car in your life,” and the man replied: “I have been in his car.”

The witness also claimed that Torbett made young footballers walk naked from the dressing room to the showers at Barrowfield Training Ground.

He said: “Mr Torbett used to say Celtic Boys' Club is a family and you don't take your underwear off in the shower room. You take them off in the dressing room. People started doing it, but they felt uncomfortable. Mr Torbett used to stand and watch everyone going into the showers.”

Miss Fraser asked him: “Did you feel uncomfortable,” and he replied: “Yes, very uncomfortable.”

Mr Graham said: “You are likely to hear that Mr Torbett's team trained at Scotstoun Showground and played at Scotstoun Showground,” and the witness replied: “No, they must have changed it.”

He was then asked if he had ever been to Scotstoun Showgound and replied: “No.'

Another witness, aged 35, claimed he was sexually abused by Torbett at the Trophy Centre factory he owned in Glasgow.

He said that he went there after school to wait to be picked up by his mother and would sit at a desk colouring-in or doing his homework.

The witness said on one occasion just weeks after he started in primary school ,aged four, he knocked water or juice over some documents and Torbett, who was also in the room became very angry.

He said: “He called me a stupid little boy and said I had ruined things. I remember the anger in his face.”

The witness told the court that Torbett grabbed him by the throat and the testicles and added: “He told me I hadn't to tell anyone what happened.”

The trial continues