Woman suffers facial injury during attack in Hamilton

Published 21st Dec 2019
Last updated 21st Dec 2019

A woman has suffered a facial injury after she was attacked with a bladed weapon in Hamilton.

The 24-year-old was approached by a man and a woman on Kingarth Street, Hamilton, around 3.30am on Saturday.

She was taken to Wishaw General Hospital with a serious injury to her face.

Detective Constable Craig Jolly said: ''I am appealing to anyone who was on Kingarth Street or the surrounding area around this time who may have witnessed the attack, saw a man and a woman running away or saw any suspicious activity to contact the police as soon as possible.

I would also ask anyone with dash-cam footage who was driving in the area at the time to check back.''

Anyone with information can contact Police Scotland on 101 quoting incident number 0837 of Saturday 21 December, or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.